"NOW" Magazine
Graphic Design I Final
Objective: To create a magazine on a topic of our choice using the various techniques learned in class and the following required elements: a cover page, editor's note, table of contents, 1 advertisement & the facial composition project.
Made using Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, & Illustrator
I chose to create a Fashion & Beauty Magazine. I interviewed and photographed my friends, as well as featured some of their creative work. (See editor's note for more information & list of collaborators).
*Other asset sources include Google & Pinterest
Below are 2 of my mood boards for the project.
The facial composition project (back of magazine) practiced the technique of layering, blending, and retouching. I took 3 photographs of my classmates and merged it with 1 celebrity to create a composite face featuring different aspects from each of the faces.

(click to download project)