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Writer's pictureISABELLA M. JACINTO

6 Lifestyle Changes I Made at the Beginning of 2020 That I Still Do Today

We're about halfway through 2020 and while this year has definitely been a roller coaster of events and emotions, I think I've been doing pretty well with sticking to some of the positive lifestyle changes I wanted to make at the beginning of 2020.

1. I reduced my alcohol intake- I was never a big drinker to begin with, but I just wanted to reduce my alcohol intake anyway. I always feel really lethargic after a night of drinking so I've limited my drink count to one or two during big celebrations or special occasions which usually happen once a month.

2. I workout first thing in the morning- I prefer the morning workouts because I feel energized for the rest of the day. Plus, I'm guilty for getting distracted and falling down the rabbit hole that is social media once I check my phone. So I made it a point that before I worry about what is going on with the rest of the world or checking my emails, I take time to stretch and get in a good workout. Not only has this been better for my time management, it has also improved my physical and mental health significantly.

3. I create a more open conversation about my mental health- This is always a touchy subject. I have always been scared of sharing the tough parts of my life in fear of being judged and being a burden to others, but thankfully, I have strong, positive support system. In the past I would keep it all to myself, but I've learned over time and through the help of self-help books, that it is important that I share with others about what is going on. It not only helps me release and vent, it also builds trust and security with my friends and family. Plus I want to keep the people close to me informed of what is going on in my life. I don't want my friends and family to think I didn't trust them enough to say something or ask for help.

4. I spend more time outside of my room- As an introvert, I love having time to myself and enjoying my own company, but sometimes it is not healthy to be alone for long periods of time. Even with lockdown in place, I tried to spend more time downstairs in the living rooms, kitchen, or in the backyard. Not only has it been good to switch up the places I spend time in everyday, but it gives me an opportunity to bond with other family members that are in the same space. This usually leads to laughing at funny jokes and videos, telling stories, cooking meals or baking goodies, and watching movies together.

5. I invest more time in my creative outlets- Since graduating and coming home from being abroad, I've found more time for myself, doing the things I want to do and love to do. In the past, I've been so swamped with other priorities that my self-care and creative outlets kept getting pushed lower and lower on the list. But I've realized how dull and unhappy I can get if I don't spend time pursuing my passions. I've learned my lesson to make time for my creative outlets. Dance, modeling, fashion, and journaling are only a few things I've put more time and effort into and it has made me significantly happier.

6. I am learning to listen to my body and what it needs- This can mean eating that cookie or cupcake without feeling guilty, staying away from junk food that makes me feel lazy and bloated, taking a rest day from working out, sleeping a bit earlier than normal, or taking time off social media. I'm starting to be more aware of my thoughts & feelings and taking actions more in-line with what my needs are. I realized I should be the main person in charge of taking care of myself. I can no longer depend on others to know and satisfy my needs. I need to love myself enough to be proactive in taking care of my body, my thoughts, and my feelings.

Although 2020 has proven to be a time of trial, awakening, and change, I hope that we don't forget to spread more love and kindness to each other and to ourselves. Remember, you can't take care of others if you don't take care of yourself.

Love Always



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