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Orlando & Disneyworld Jan 2020


First family trip of the new decade! We decided to take the kids to Disneyworld for their first Disney experience, as well as explore a little bit of Orlando, Florida while we were out there. (8 day vacation)

The first place we went to was the WonderWorks Museum (Interactive Museum & Playground). The kids had a lot of fun playing around the different themed rooms. They were trying out cool inventions, playing in light rooms, testing out different simulations, and more. We ended that day exploring and shopping at Disney Springs.

The next day we were up and out the door early to maximize our time at Magic Kingdom. The kids, especially Sofia, had an amazing time riding rides and meeting characters. Given that this was their first Disney experience, they were pretty well behaved and were able to tolerate the lines, all the walking, and the freezing cold temperatures. Side note: It was pretty ironic that we were trying to escape the cold by going to Florida and instead, it ended up being colder in Florida than in California the days we were there.

Family Puffy Jackets- Uniqlo

We also visited Gatorland and the Titanic Museum. Gatorland was something surprisingly fun. The kids were scared to go in at first, but once they started seeing some of the animals and exhibits, and after seeing the shows, the kids were running around and pointing to the huge gators and other animals. Sofia even went to touch the baby gator and huge snake! So that was something cool for her. And the adults had a lot of fun in the Titanic Museum. The museum layout was set up like the actual interior of the ship which was really cool. Side note: after the trip we watched the Titanic movie again to check how accurate the movie and the museum were.

In the middle of the Titanic Museum they had a replica of the Grand Staircase where you can take some cute family photos! They provided costumes for us.

Our trip to Hollywood Studios was just as fun as Magic Kingdom. Here, we met a lot of characters and watched a lot of shows. My favorite was the Beauty and the Beast show. The kids were also able to sign up for Jedi training and they had a chance to battle with Kylo Ren and Darth Vader. We also signed up to ride the newest StarWars ride but missed it by one boarding group which really bummed Alfonso out. BUT, all was saved with the amazing Fantasmic show, which we got really good seats for.

For our final day in Florida, we took a rest day and just hung out at Cocoa Beach for the afternoon, enjoying the sunshine.


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